How do you handle ‘un-avoidable’ Responsibility?
Why do people avoid Responsibilities?
You have a phobia for responsibilities, how do you crush that phobia?
Responsibility is one of the traits of our character which means that a person is able to respond for his or her actions, is able to take some duties and to face certain consequences of the actions that may occur.
The Oxford dictionary adds that it is the state of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.
We are not born with a sense of responsibility. It does not appear at once by a magic clasp of the fingers. Responsibility is cultivated; it becomes part of one’s personality. The Lack of such a trait of character or even its absolute absence is a negative feature. The pretty truth is that when you are responsible, you’d gain the respect of the people around you.
Parents are always interested in knowing how responsible their child is. They put him in charge of simple tasks at home which leaves them with the conclusion that a child is responsible or not. As he or she grows older the attention shifts to his or her academic performance. Unfortunately, in our society today, a child is judged by his academic performance, they expect more from the child. Their high academic standard also has its own consequences on the child, but that's a topic for another day. I would like to discuss some reasons why people don't like responsibilities or shy away from ‘bigger’ responsibilities.
The feeling of “not being good enough”- l guess this should be classify as the first and important because it is at this stage of feeling “not being good enough” that has killed many ideas or ambitions that could have been a reality. Most people that have this thought of not being good enough are usually conservative in nature. They just think like: “well, there's someone who can do this better than me, why should I volunteer to do it “, “oh! there is a girl or a boy that is smarter in class, why should I be the one to answer the teacher's question”?. “ohh, that person will beat me in this task, it’s of no use”..
“Social Anxiety”- social anxiety is the fear of being judged and evaluated negatively by other people leading one to feel; inadequate, inferior, self-consciousness, embarrassment or humiliation & can lead to depression. At one point or the other in our lives we have experienced social anxiety. “What’s going to happen if I do this or if I do that”? “Will I have people's approval”? “Are they going to boo me off the stage or will they applaud me”? “Are my parents going to support this?”
“A Burden”- some individuals just find taking on some responsibilities or tasks as a burden. They feel “this is overwhelming, I don't have the capacity to do this”, “I can't raise this kid, I'd put her up for adoption” “ I can't be the leader of this group it's too much work”..
“Selfishness”- Selfishness is being excessively or exclusively concerned for one's self or one's advantage, pleasure or welfare, regardless of others. Not taking on responsibility can be a selfish act of an individual who is deemed fit or capable to handle a task but has refused to do so. Such individual is usually self centred or an egomaniac
“Fear of failure”-Quite a lot of people are afraid or scared to take on responsibilities. It is very scary for them. “No way, I'll run this company to the ground”, “ I'm not a better role model, I can't raise this kid right, I'd better put him in a foster home“, “No captain, I can't lead this platoon, all the men would die”, “I can't lead this group; I can't match the records of previous leaders”..
“Nonchalant”- when one doesn't display interest or possesses an “I don't care attitude” they usually don't take on responsibilities. People in this category prefer to have their free will and they see some tasks as threat to their free will. “No mum! I can't babysit my sister, I'm going out to play soccer with my friends”..
Now, we know why people don't take on responsibilities. But, we can all agree that, a time will come when you can't run away from these tasks, you can't hide from it & you can't shy away from it, it’s just your turn to handle these responsibilities, now what do you do?
Understand that Responsibility is Earned-You should understand that no one is entitled to any responsibility, you must have been counted worthy or be in the best position to handle a particular task
Stop Making excuses- In every situation there are always some factors we can't control. Irresponsible people tend to shift the blame on those factors and vocalize them as excuses. Any time you make an excuse, it's like saying “I'm not responsible for this because...” and what you are really saying is “I am not responsible”. You have to pay attention to how you think and talk.
Don't be scared to make mistakes- “if I babysit my sister, she would cry all day”. She would cry anyway, why not babysit her and have a bond with her. “I can't lead this platoon, all the men would die”. Not every soldier comes back alive anyway, why not lead them & try to bring them home in one piece. Why not be the captain of that team & win & lose together. Why not be the head of that company, run it to the ground & bring it back to its feet. Why not answer that question in class & let the scholar feel like he doesn't know anything. Why not lead that group & when it’s time for the paparazzi, you acknowledge those that have supported & let the ones that didn't feel ashamed. Why not let the audience boo you off the stage, at least they know your face. Why not prove your parents wrong for not supporting your dreams. Why not raise that placard & let the evil doers feel guilty.
JUST DO IT- it's getting boring. I'll end with this famous Nike quote “Just do it”
“Hey Bill, can you look after my son in school, you know you are older & you know the school better, ensure he's serious & behaves well?” “Yes sir I'll”.
Whatever the responsibility that you can't avoid always remember YOU CAN DO IT.
An Opinion by Tolu
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