Hi, let’s have a serious discussion right now.

This world cannot be a better place if we continue to complain about certain things that we can easily correct ourselves. Sometimes, you need to stop ranting and try as much as possible to be a better person.

Motivational speakers would always tell you that you should see every problem as an opportunity. To be honest, they are really right. You get noticed when you start reasoning differently especially when you think out of the box, when you are able to suggest a meaningful idea that can make life better or you come up with a new invention that makes life easily. People would notice you, in fact, you might get favoured that way. When you complain without making any effective correction even when you’re capable of making that change, you might remain in that position for long.

When you find yourself in an environment where everyone complains and you have a plan in your head,, you have three choices:
1. You’d have to think of an action that can make the situation better (that is very wise)
2. Try your best to run away from that environment (smart but it works for cowards only)
3. Or, join the “league of ranters” (not advisable, it can change the way you reason)

You complain because there is a problem, what a problem needs is an active change and this can only be done by human beings. Apart from making a difference, you are also impacting lives, you are making life better and you might also make money from it, who knows?

We complain because we have low self esteem, we feel no one would believe or listen to us. We are sometimes selfish, we know the right answers that can solve the problem but we hold on to it and make fun of those trying to make the change we refused to make because of pride. While others like following the trend by complaining because they are scared that their village people may attack them when they start bringing up good ideas (these reasons are not good enough!).

Where are you? What do you dislike currently that is making life so difficult for you at the moment? Can it be corrected by you? If yes, please write a plan that can change your life and also the lives of those around you. You don’t have to tell others when you’re thinking about it (village people are real o). Write the plans down and seek advice from those that can help fulfill your plans.

Please, try your best to be useful today. Thanks for reading and you can also leave your comments. This is directly from your imperfect writer. Have a good day.
