A researcher gave four kids a berry each he told them they can eat the berry right away,but if they wait for the researcher to return from an errand, he would give them a second berry. Two of the kids within seconds ate theirs, while the other two decided to wait for another 30 minutes to get an extra berry which they got. Many years later, the researcher needed some youths to help him out with a project worth millions of naira but the job required patience. He discovered that the kids who he gave berries to some years back offered to help but instead of choosing all fours, he decided to select just two. No one knew why he selected the two, even the selected did not know why they were chosen. To him, the researcher, he discovered that those who waited for the  gratification were more trustworthy, more self-reliant, more confidant than the other kids who could not control their urge.

Trust is the "confidence in" or "reliance on" some person or quality or "dependence" upon something in the future. Trust is a fundamental human experience, necessary for the society to function.

When you actually don't have whom to trust, then, fear rules! Most people live a life of not trusting anyone but little do they know that distrust of others makes you live in  fear, anxiety, perplexity in short you won't live a happy life once you can't trust. 

Bruna Martinuzzi posits that "trust pervades nearly every aspect of our daily lives, it's fundamentally important in the healthy functioning of all of our relationships with others".

Living a life of no trust in someone or something will only make you worse, because you will never develop, you will never learn and most of all you will be poor. Poor in the sense that; you will not see a long term investment of creating several opportunities for yourself, you will not see beyond where you are because you trust no one.  Like a friend of mine said, "I trust because it is a way of risking something for another that is better."

However, there are certain life experiences that can influence one's ability of trusting others. One known fact is that we cannot trust everyone we know or see. In one way or the other, everyone is uncertain about whom to trust, how much to trust, when not to trust and reqsons to trust. But, despite these uncertainties, we still need to  trust someone because we must make our choices about whom to trust and how much to trust and when we are more willing to trust.

Trust is delicate and it needs to be handled with care. We all have our reasons for  trusting or not trusting . Irrespective of our choices we need someone or something to trust because trust is a "BOND". Trust  binds and brings  us together.

Trust someone or something but beware of whom to trust , when to trust and how much to trust. 

What is Trust to you?

Why do you Trust?

Why don't you Trust?

Why not Trust?

Opinion by TonyOloms

(Ref: Bruna Martinuzzi (2009))
